Tackling the massive complexity of production Machine Learning

Tackling the massive complexity of production Machine Learning

DevOps User Group Webinar


Title: Tackling the massive complexity of production Machine Learning

Presenter:  Ed Shee, Head of Developer Relations at Seldon

Date: 24th March 2022


Hosted by CirrusHQ and presented by Ed Shee, Head of Developer Relations at Seldon.


As an early Machine Learning practitioner working with a small number of models it was easy to think that wrapping a model in an API was all that was needed. Since then, having worked with customers that deploy thousands of models at scale, Ed realised quite how naive that worldview was. The road to MLOps best practice is long, hard and poorly defined… In this talk Ed covers the mistakes he made, what he learned along the way, and how DevOps principles are bleeding over into the field of ML.


Ed, having previously led a tech team at IBM and now Head of Developer Relations at Seldon, Ed comes from a cloud computing background and is a strong believer in making deployments as easy as possible for developers. With an education in computational modelling and an enthusiasm for machine learning, Ed has blended his work in ML and cloud native computing together to cement himself firmly in the emerging field of MLOps.


To register for the event, please visit the Edinburgh DevOps User Group: https://www.meetup.com/Edinburgh-DevOps-Meetup/events/284605792/

Table of Contents

Tackling the massive complexity of production Machine Learning